Unit test a method that returns JsonResult in WebApi

WebApis are awesome. Writing unit tests for them may not be. In this tutorial, I tell how we can parse JsonResult in our unit tests and retrieve the response values to validate our tests.

Automatic entity framework migrations in NopCommerce plugins

EntityFramework migrations is a cool feature that allows automatic upgrade of databases for your MVC applications. This tutorial lists steps to implement automatic EntityFramework migrations for your nopCommerce plugin.

How to render an angular template received via ajax from controller?

I was working on a project when I came across a problem. I had to call an MVC view containing an AngularJS template via ajax request and render it on the page. At first thought it seemed like a child's play, but unless you do it, you won't know it. So I gave it a go.

Unrecognized configuration section system.web.webPages.razor Error

Unrecognized configuration section system.web.webPages.razor Error is one error caused due to some inappropriate configuration in web.config file. Use these steps to solve this error.

How to pass data from one view to another in ASP.NET MVC

There are situations when you wish to pass data from one view to another in asp.net mvc. This tutorial will guide you through the various ways for doing the same.

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